Playing beyond the notes : a pianist's guide to musical interpretation

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Playing Beyond the Notes: A Pianist's Guide to Musical Interpretation demystifies the complex concepts of musical interpretation in Western tonal piano music by boiling it down to basic principles in an accessible writing style. Author and veteran piano instructor Deborah Rambo Sinn tackles a different interpretive principle, explaining clearly, for example, how to play effective ornaments and rubatos. As a whole, the book helps pianists understand concrete ways to apply interpretive concepts to their own playing and gives teachers practical ways to teach interpretation to their students. The book is illustrated with over 200 repertoire excerpts and supplemented by a companion website with over 100 audio recordings. Playing Beyond the Notes is essential reading for all performing pianists, independent piano teachers, and piano pedagogy students.


The score -- Getting started -- The end -- Dreadful boxes and beams -- Voicing from the bottom up -- Messy basses -- Ornamentation : understanding the small print -- Rubato : stealing as an art -- Deconstructing phrases -- Transitions : getting from here to there -- "Staccato means short" and other myths -- Pedaling.

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